Join the RRBA Team Today! By joining RRBA, you will help:
- Protect, enhance and better manage the waters of the Roanoke Basin
- Promote in-basin use of water resources
- Fight against interbasin transfer of water that may cause harm to either source or receiving basin
- Promote cooperation and coordination among the Basin’s stakeholders
- Support other worthy programs in the Roanoke River Basin.
Paying members will also receive RRBA’s annual newsletter, Basin Bulletin, as well as notices of important events. Members are also entitled to vote for, and to hold office as a member of, the Board of Directors of RRBA.
Membership in RRBA is on an calendar year basis, January to December. Dues will be credited for the year received, unless other wise noted.
Membership in RRBA is open to any person or family or organization who pays annual dues as follows:
- Individual Membership (annual): $25 (for individuals and their families)
- Organizational Membership (annual): $100 (for companies, homeowners associations, clubs, etc.)
(Note: Municipal memberships are based on the population of the local government’s jurisdiction)
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, RRBA gratefully accepts donations above the standard membership fees set forth above.
Membership fees and donations should be directed to:
Roanoke River Basin Association
150 Slayton Avenue
Danville, VA 24540
After submitting your information, please don’t forget to send your membership fees. Use the button below or send a check to the address above. Thank you!