RRBA is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization whose mission is to establish and carry out a strategy for the development, use, preservation and enhancement of the resources of the Roanoke River basin in the best interest of present and future generations of Basin residents. RRBA believes that basin resource conservation can co-exist with managed economic growth.
What We Do
RRBA consists of an all-volunteer citizen appointed Advisory Board of Directors
RRBA consists of an all-volunteer citizen appointed Advisory Board of Directors, and an Executive Director reporting to an Executive Committee. The Committee is made up of the Officers of President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer, appointed Board members representing the upper, middle, Kerr Lake, and lower Basin areas and an Advisor on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs. Each executive acts as the ombudsman for their respective area assuring involvement in issues supporting our mission. At our board meetings, the Executive Committee and Officers report on the important activities and issues being pursued in order to gain advise, counsel and consensus in direction. Financial and other business matters are also taken up at that time. One meeting is designated as the Annual Meeting where the election of officers and Directors takes place. A Basin newsletter is published and the day to day office operations, fundraising, accounting, web site maintenance, personal contacts, and other general matters are handled by the Officers.
RRBA has a permanent seat on the Corps of Engineers
RRBA has a permanent seat on the Corps of Engineers (COE) Stakeholders Water Management Committee. This group meets by teleconference each week and at a face to face on a Bi-monthly basis. Water flow conditions, lake level projections, and strategies and plans to deal with both flood and drought conditions are discussed and agreed upon. All government agencies and concerned municipalities are asked to report status and offer suggestions for the improvement of conditions. Almost always, the RRBA is the sole volunteer citizens advocate group at the sessions and our comments and suggestions are sought and appreciated.
RRBA educates basin residents and other affected parties
RRBA educates basin residents and other affected parties about the resources of the Roanoke River basin. As part of this effort, RRBA publishes a newsletter, Basin Bulletin, for its supporters and constituents. RRBA fought for over 20 years in an effort to prevent the city of Virginia Beach from diverting up to 60 million gallons of water per day from the Roanoke River at Lake Gaston.
RRBA monitors non-basin municipalities in North Carolina and Virginia
RRBA monitors non-basin municipalities in North Carolina and Virginia who might seek an inter-basin transfer of water out of the Roanoke River Basin. RRBA monitors activities that might negatively impact the quality of the water resources within the basin. RRBA promotes and helps to fund recreational and safety facilities in the basin.
RRBA maintains relationships with regional basin organizations
RRBA maintains relationships with regional basin organizations such as the Dan River Basin Association, Roanoke Rapids Lake Association, Roanoke River Partners, The Nature Conservancy, as well as other municipal organizations such as NC Wildlife Association, National Wildlife Association, and VA Dept of Game & Inland Fisheries.